05-26-2023 Updated Prayer Request

Baccalureate Service this Sunday (05/28) Please text your prayer request to (808) 741-6294 PRAYER REQUESTS FOR THE MEMBERS AND FRIENDS This Sunday is Baccalaureate Sunday (05/28). Pray for their next steps: (1) Jaena Velasco (High School) (2) Keana Barraca (Middle School) (3) Lyla Beltran (elem) (4) Bathie (Assoc) (5) Argen (Middle.School); l(6) and our friends TJ and Lindsey Catingub and Hailey Macaraeg. Travelers. (1) Continue to pray for Louie, Kat, Kobe, and Lyka who is on the mainland for training. (2) Jean Pascual went to Big Island to assist her Aunty Tina. (3) Pray for Vic and Tess who left last Monday to the Philippines to prepare Nueva Ecija for the upcoming Mission Philippines 2023, Pastor's Conference and Outreach. (4) Pray for Robbie Tanj, he is in the Philippines. Pray for his Sunday School class as Micah and Marlon teaches the youth. Pray for Pastor Ben Carino. Aunty Lita tell us he needs to ...