02-03-2021 Prayer Request
Pray for the Mariano family - Atty Mariano passed away 2/2/21. Pray for Marlene, Jean's friend who have been good friends of the church. Pray for small groups: Develop relationships, Care for each other and Pray for one another. Praise God for Pastor Andrew Large for leading our time of small group training yesterday 2/2/21. Pray for the March training led by Stephen Ventura of KauaiHau Church. Here are the small groups and their hosts: Rosanna Jo Julie Tina Tess Jennifer Randy Marlon College Young Adult High School Pray for Tess and Vic Gante traveling to Mainland and sending off Elijah their grandson to the Navy. Pray for the vaccination process on the island. Pray for Mililani Fil-Am Baptist Church and the month of February for spiritual and kingdom growth. Pray for healing and guidance to the following: Lolita Carino and Pastor Ben Carino Hope Mariano (Nevada) Pray for the February birth...